The Prodigal Son as a Swineherd Parable of the Prodigal Son (series title) by Philips Galle

The Prodigal Son as a Swineherd Parable of the Prodigal Son (series title)

(De verloren zoon als varkenshoeder Gelijkenis van de verloren zoon (series title))

Philips Galle

(print maker)


Maarten van Heemskerck

(after design by)


Theodoor Galle

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Undated  ·  paper  ·  Picture ID: 1333819

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The Prodigal Son as a Swineherd Parable of the Prodigal Son (series title) by Philips Galle. Available as an art print on canvas, photo paper, watercolor board, uncoated paper or Japanese paper.
Rijks Museum, Amsterdam
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Produktionszeit: 2-4 Werktage
Bildschärfe: PERFEKT

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